P3 - Analogue Sequencer

And Building your P3 Sequencer continues...

The Keypad Board

This board has 9 key switches, 9 diodes, and a 16 way IDC connector. As with the Function switch board, this IDC connector is mounted on the REVERSE/SOLDER side of the PCB.
Assembly is very straight forward, but as with the Step switch board, solder just one pin of the key switches first so that you can make sure they are all square with each other and adjust if necessary. Again, I prefer to mount the switches with the board already attached to the panel, so I have a reference to make the switches square with the panel opening.
Here's the bare board:

keypad bare

Then with the diodes and IDC connector fitted:

keypad in progress

And here, with the key switches in place, ready to be fitted to the panel:

keypad done

Next Page... the Pot boards.
