The Upper, Lower and DATA/TEMPO pot boards

There are three pot boards in P3 - two for the upper and lower rows of 16 knobs, and a small board to carry the DATA and TEMPO knobs that sit below the keypad.

Click image for a close-up:

Both main pot boards are physically identical except for the pins used on the IDC connector.
I strongly recommend the use of sockets for 4051 ICs.
The production P3 case includes subframes for mounting the pot boards. The Alpha pots specified on the BoM have locating lugs on the front of the body which fit into holes on the subframes, but if you are DIYing your own case, they may prevent the boards mounting directly to a panel. These are easily removed by gripping them with pliers then bending them away from the shaft.

When fitted to the subframe, the two main boards should look like this:

The DATA/TEMPO pot board holds just the two pots plus a 4 pin connector to the mainboard. This board is also fitted to a subframe for the production case.
